The Ultimate Guide to Farmhouse Sink Types: FAQs [2023]
Farmhouse sinks are more popular than ever, and owners have a variety of questions. Join us as we answer some of the most common farmhouse sink types FAQs.

What is fireclay?
One of the most popular farmhouse sink types is fireclay, a finished sink material made from a specific type of white clay. This clay is molded and dried before being glazed and fired at very, very high temperatures.
During this process, the clay and the glaze fuse together and form a completely new substance which is called fireclay. Fireclay is extremely durable and stronger than just about any other sink out there.
What is the difference between a regular porcelain sink and a fireclay sink?
Another popular farmhouse kitchen sink type is porcelain. Porcelain sinks do resemble fireclay sinks. However, porcelain is almost always less durable because of the processes by which porcelain sinks are made.
Porcelain is fired at temperatures far lower than fireclay, creating a weaker end result.
Because of this reduced durability, porcelain sinks tend to be more vulnerable to staining, scratching, and chipping. Fireclay is much stronger.
Porcelain sinks tend to come in more colors than fireclay sinks. However, some fireclay sink manufacturers are introducing other hues besides just white.
Additionally, porcelain sinks have previously been known to have lower price tags than fireclay sinks. That is also changing, though. There are many fireclay sink models available at prices that are quite affordable.
How do you get metal marks off a fireclay sink?
Metal marks are probably created by silverware or serving ware pieces rubbing on the bottom of the sink. They can be removed pretty easily.
A little elbow grease, along with a drop of dish soap and a non-abrasive scrubber, should take them right off! Try these by Scotch Brite.
Do fireclay sinks stain?
Fireclay sinks are designed to be stain-resistant. This means that a fireclay sink should not stain with everyday use.
However, be sure not to allow water with staining materials in it to stand in the sink. (Think: tea, coffee, marinara sauce, wine). After all, resistant does not mean impermeable.
Love and protect your sink so you can enjoy its beauty for as long as possible.

Can you use Soft Scrub on a fireclay sink?
Yes, you can use Soft Scrub, with or without bleach, on your fireclay sink without fear of damaging it.
One caveat, however: do not LEAVE bleach or soft scrub on the sink’s surface for longer than a couple of minutes. The sink’s finish can be permeated.
Clean quickly and rinse all of the product away with water and dry the sink with a soft towel when you are finished.
Can you use bleach on a fireclay sink?
Bleach can also be used to clean a fireclay sink if you dilute it and use it briefly. A 50/50 bleach/water mixture is recommended.
Do not allow bleach or products with bleach in them to stand in the sink for extended periods. Protect the sink’s finish by not exposing it to harsh chemicals at any time.
While fireclay sinks are created to be long-lasting, they are not impenetrable. It is wise to take care of your sink’s finish.
How do you clean a white fireclay sink?
The best way to clean your kitchen’s fireclay sink is by performing regular maintenance. Wash the sink out daily with your dishcloth and some dish soap. This way, you will stay ahead of food bits getting crusted on or any film building up.
If you do let your sink get a little dirty, though, use gentle products to clean it.
Barkeepers Friend, Soft Scrub, or a 50/50 blend of water and vinegar are all great options for cleaning a fireclay sink.
However, be sure not to let any of these SIT on the sink’s surface for longer than a minute or so.
While a fireclay kitchen sink’s finish is damage resistant, that does not mean that it cannot be damaged at all.
Be sure to rinse well with water and dry your sink after cleaning.
Note: you may want to test any substance other than regular dish soap on an unseen part of your faucet to be sure that the cleaner you wish to use will not discolor or affect the metal.
If you want to know everything about caring for and cleaning a fireclay sink, read this article next:
How do I get my farmhouse sink white again?
Farmhouse kitchen sinks can be made out of a variety of materials, so the approach you take to get your sink white again will vary based on what your sink is made of.
If you have a porcelain enameled cast iron sink, Kohler makes a specific cast iron sink cleaner.
Kohler recommends using their cleaner with a cork as your scrubber. Yep, a regular bottle cork is helpful in dislodging stains.
Kohler also recommends Bon Ami or Super Iron Out (not Barkeepers Friend, incidentally) if you have rust stains that you want to get rid of.
Never use acidic or abrasive cleaners or pads to clean your enameled sink. You could add scratches in your attempt to clean.
If you have a fireclay sink, regular maintenance is suggested to keep your sink looking tip-top.
Daily washes with a soft sponge or dishcloth and dish soap, followed by drying with a soft towel, are recommended.
If you end up with a stain, a 50/50 bleach/water solution or a cleaner like Soft Scrub with Bleach should do the trick.
If you have a vintage white enameled farmhouse sink (which is possibly made with a lower-grade enamel than porcelain), you may be combatting stains as well as rust.
For stains, Kohler again recommends their own cast iron cleaner, and for rust removal, they suggest Bar Keepers Friend or Iron Out Rust Stain Remover.

Do fireclay sinks crack easily?
Fireclay sinks are crafted to be solid and durable. That being said, it is not unheard of for a fireclay sink to crack or chip under certain circumstances.
Do your best not to drop or toss heavy items into your fireclay sink because this certainly can cause damage.
Additionally, Elkay recommends running cold water into your sink any time you pour boiling water into it.
While it isn’t likely, there are reports of some fireclay sinks that have cracked while their owners drained pasta, so it is important to turn the tap on when you bring your strainer to the sink.
Can a fireclay sink be repaired?
Yes, fireclay sinks can be repaired. If you end up with a chip or a surface crack, repairing the sink will be much easier than replacing the whole sink.
Most sink manufacturers will have repair kits and directions regarding your specific sink model.
What is a retrofit farmhouse sink?
A retrofit farmhouse apron sink, unlike traditional farmhouse kitchen sink types, is designed to fit into an existing sink base cabinet that was not explicitly designed for farmhouse or apron front sinks.
Most retrofit farmhouse sinks require the front of the base cabinet to be cut to allow the apron to be exposed. However, there are also retrofit sinks [like this one]

that are designed to have the exposed apron slide over the face frame of the cabinet, eliminating the need to cut the base.
What is a self-trimming farmhouse sink?
A self-trimming farmhouse sink is easier to install than a traditional farmhouse apron front sink. This is because the installer can make a simple rough cut, taking out the area where the false drawers usually are on a sink cabinet.
The apron of the self-trimming farmhouse sink will overlap the cabinet, hiding the cut itself, which is why it can be rough instead of finished.
There will be no gaps and, therefore, no need to apply trim.
Can you replace a drop-in sink with a farmhouse sink?
Oh yes, you can! Drop-in farmhouse sinks are becoming more available as manufacturers continue producing sinks with this option.
This article we wrote [ 6 of the Best Farmhouse Sinks ] compares the features included with several of the most popular models available.

What is a top-mount farmhouse sink?
A top-mount farmhouse sink, also called an overmount or drop-in sink, is installed over the countertop instead of under the countertop, which is how an undermount sink is installed.
This type of farmhouse sink is generally easier to install since the sink drops into (and is supported by) a hole cut into the countertop.
Is a top-mount farmhouse sink the same as a self-trimming farmhouse sink?
Not necessarily. While top-mount farmhouse sinks are available in self-trimming styles, there are also undermount farmhouse sinks available in self-trimming styles.
The self-trim feature indicates that the apron covers the part of the cut base cabinet, removing the need to finish or trim out the cut cabinet edges.
A top-mount farmhouse sink can be installed over the top of a countertop, making top mounting and self-trimming two different features.
What is an undermount farmhouse sink?
An undermount sink is mounted under the countertops. The sink is fitted into place and braced up inside the cabinet before the counters are installed over the top.

Do I need a special cabinet for a farmhouse sink?
Maybe. You do not necessarily need a special cabinet to have a farmhouse sink installed.
However, you will probably need to at least modify your regular sink base cabinet to accommodate an exposed apron front sink.
If you are getting new cabinets, there are base units that are specifically made for farmhouse sinks, so we recommend getting one of those if it’s within your budget.
It is perfectly acceptable, though, to adapt an existing cabinet to fit your sink of choice!